With sweet, tangy and spiced flavors, these pickled beets are so good that they'll win over just about everyone in your house. Jars of colorful beets make...
This is a very good low-fat recipe. Diced sweet red and green pepper--along with green peas and fresh parsley--add bright color to the simple rice dish....
A splash of lemon and hint of refreshing mint brighten up the medley of red tomatoes, creamy mozzarella and ripe avocados in this colorful, sensational...
This recipe was given to me at a Bible study picnic by a dear lady who loved to make up her own recipes. I've shared it with many friends, including missionaries...
I can never get enough of these air-fryer sweet potato fries! Even though my grocery store sells them in the frozen foods section, I still love to pull...
Looking for a different treatment for cabbage? Try this spicy cheese-topped dish that I adapted from a friend's recipe. I added a little of this and that...
The first time I grew a garden, I harvested summer squash and cooked it with garlic and herbs. Using pattypan squash is a creative twist. -Kaycee Mason,...
Here's a rich, comforting side dish that bakes up golden brown. It's a wonderful recipe for the colder months. I often serve these potatoes with my Swiss...
When I make pineapple casserole, I double the amount -because guests frequently request a second helping for dessert! Sweet-tangy fruit is even better...
Tomato wedges give this salad a juicy bite. It's a great use of fresh herbs and veggies from your own garden or the farmers market. -Matthew Hass, Franklin,...
My daughter often serves this cheese and spinach blend at church suppers. Even people who don't usually eat spinach like this flavorful dish once they...
My mother has made this tasty salad for as long as I can remember. It's no surprise that this recipe has worked its way into my hand-written "Most Used...
Nothing says "spring" like a fresh crop of young asparagus. And this recipe superbly ushers in this wonderful season. The delicate cheese sauce and assorted...
I find pork the secret to a good black-eyed pea recipe. A double dose of ham for flavor and slow and gentle cooking creates this perfect side dish. -Emory...
This is one of the great Jewish comfort foods. It's easy to put together, and leftovers make a surprisingly delicious breakfast. Find kasha with other...
"AS A CHILD, I thought the crisp cheese-and-crumb topping on these potatoes made them a special treat. I remember how my aunt always saw to it everyone...
My mom and I developed this recipe to see if there was a carrot dish that even people who don't care for carrots would enjoy. So far, I haven't met anyone...
This pretty salad has become part of my regular summertime rotation because of its freshness and versatility-it's great with everything from grilled chicken...
People ask me how to freeze corn on the cob because my frozen corn tastes as good as fresh! This way it stays crisp-tender and now I can have "fresh" corn...
The fresh flavor of parsley is perfect with hot buttered potatoes-it adds a little extra zip. I used this recipe when I did all the cooking at our restaurant,...
This recipe was born out of frustration as to what I was going to do with a bumper crop of zucchini one year. It was an instant hit! Now I prepare this...
A few years ago, I put together a special cookbook for folks who cook for themselves. This is one of my favorite recipes in the book.-John Davis, Mobile,...
Dress up an all-time favorite comfort food with savory fixings. This is an easy twice baked mashed potatoes recipe that delivers big flavor. Better still,...
The best of summer in one dish! This pretty grilled vegetable recipe is meant for entertaining. Grilling brings out their natural sweetness, and the easy...
Each time I take this dish to a church supper, I get many, many requests to share the recipe. My family has enjoyed this tasty salad for years, and it...
Grab all of your garden-fresh produce for this quinoa with roasted vegetables. The tangy dressing and fresh herbs really make the flavors shine in this...
This crunchy eye-catching cooked cabbage is seasoned with a flavorful blend of vinegar, spices and bacon. Even when my mom fixes a big batch, the bowl...
I came up with this recipe after my daughter had cheese fries at a restaurant and couldn't stop talking about them. She loves that I can fix them so quickly...
Keep this recipe handy when you need to make a special salad quickly. The flavorful vinaigrette adds a refreshing touch to the greens and oranges. -Alpha...
Carrots make a super side-big on flavor and a breeze to cook. Plus, I can actually get my husband to eat these fragrant, deeply spiced veggies. -Taylor...
Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same for Scott Jones without this sensational side dish. "The caramelized pecan topping is a great change from marshmallows,...
We like grilling because it's a no-fuss way to make a meal. This pleasing potato recipe is one we use often! The onion, cheddar cheese and Worscestershire...
I got this recipe from a friend back when we were in nursing school. Whenever my husband is cooking meat on the grill, you can bet I'll be in the kitchen...
Roasting is one of my favorite ways to prepare veggies. Some fragrant rosemary, fresh or dried, gives these air-fryer red potatoes a distinctive but subtle...
I was under doctor's orders to reduce the amount sodium I was eating, but I just couldn't part with some of my favorite foods. After many experiments I...
Clarice Scheeringa of Ripon, California shares this dressed-up asparagus. "I live in the heart of asparagus country, so I'm always on the look out for...
The recipe was made by a special someone in my life. I was never a fan of sauerkraut until I tried this and fell in love. It's terrific as a side dish...
Classic Creamy Coleslaw was served with fried chicken for years at an auction near Martha Artyomenko's Beaver Bay, Minnesota home. "When the lady who made...
These potatoes still have the creamy texture and cheesy flavor your family expects, but this slimmed-down version has less fat and fewer calories.-Taste...
I received this tomato tart recipe from a good friend of mine. It is a great way to us up fresh tomatoes from the garden. It reminds me a lot of pizza.-Connie...
This rich comforting cabbage dish has plenty of old-fashioned goodness. The recipe is shared by Virginia Dishman of Lansing, Michigan, who admits she finds...